PATTERN (sold separately):Any Pattern from The Quilter's Bouquet
This is an introduction to the art of fusible applique. It’s a wonderful technique to expand your quilting to a whole new level. Fusible applique can be used in an entire quilt or accents along with your regular piecing.
You will learn about the different fusible web products. When one is better to be used over another. How to correctly trace your images and fuse to your fabric. Proper cutting and final fusing to your background, as well as the various stitches that can be used to finish your edges. Once you pick your pattern please follow the fabric requirements for your specific pattern design. If time permits, we can talk about quilting your project and possibly start the quilting process. Class runs 10am - 4pm
BE SURE TO VIEW THE SUPPLIES LIST: Supply list for each project is on each individual pattern. Once your pick your project pay close attention to the pattern requirements for each specific pattern.